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We often think of our cities as the most important aspect of our lives, but this article will show you how they're actually not very impressive. Our cities are not nearly as old or as significant as we give them credit for and they certainly do not deserve their lofty status. The reason we think of our cities as so important is because we've been told they're such a big deal all our lives. This article will help you see how our cities' status benefits only the elite and not the people living in them. Let's start by examining some dates: 1) It is commonly said that the Great Wall of China is over 3,000 years old. However, this claim is false and has been debunked repeatedly. (1) (2) (3) The Great Wall is actually younger than the Egyptian pyramids but most people don't know this or don't believe it. (4) (5) (6) (7) For the record, the Great Wall of China was not built in one go. It's construction took many centuries and was started many times before but it wasn't always finished. (8). The author of this article showed us how it can be seen that the wall wasn't built in one go and this is also confirmed by histories which note that the current layout was not always there either. (9)(10)(11)(12). 2) Although it is commonly claimed that Greece has been around since the stone age, this claim is incorrect. It isn't even mentioned in any known ancient Greek texts. (13) (14) (15) (16) It is mentioned in these places that the region we now call Greece has always existed and has had the same name since ancient times. The Greeks preferred to call themselves Hellenes and did not consider themselves a separate people (17)(18). (19)(20)(21). (22). This claim of Greek origins is also disputed by historians who note that the region we now call Greece was occupied by many different peoples who came and went over time. (23)(24)(25). (26). (27)- (28) . The Greeks were actually very late settlers to that area of Europe, not arriving until roughly 1600 B.C.E.. 3) It is commonly claimed that the Tower of Babel was built as a political statement. This is also not true. The Tower of Babel was a city that existed long before humans started building structures. The ancient Sumerians refer to this city as Eridu and it is believed to have been there since at least 3500 B.C.. (29)(30) (31) . Eridu was also referred to as E-an and I-an in ancient texts. (32)(33). cfa1e77820