MicroCT scans were imported into the commercial 3D reconstruction software package Amira 2019.1 (FEI SAS; part of ThermoFisher Scientific). Volumes were filtered with a 3D bilateral filter and a 3D Gaussian filter to increase signal-to-noise ratio. Image intensities were standardised to Hounsfield units (HU) based on measurement of a water-air phantom (Handschuh et al., 2017). For visualization of the staining results in the 60 kVp scans of mouse foetuses we used virtual slices and volume renderings using different histogram settings in analogy to windowing in clinical computed tomography (soft tissue window, 100-400 HU; cartilage window, 400-900 HU; bone window, 900-2000 HU). For displaying selected parts of the foetal mouse skeleton, such as the skull, forelimb, hind limb and ribcage, we used the Amira volume segmentation tool Volume edit to crop selected body regions.
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