Herbs, vines, scandent or prostrate shrubs, shrubs or small trees; armed or apparently (to almost completely) unarmed; young stems stellate-pubescent, the trichomes multangulate or more often porrect-stellate with the rays all in a single place, occasionally lepidote, sometimes glabrescent; prickles absent, sparse or dense, straight or curved; bark of older stems grey or brown, sometimes glabrescent. Sympodial units plurifoliate or difoliate, the leaves geminate or not. Leaves entire to deeply pinnately lobed, usually stellate-pubescent on both surfaces, sometimes glabrescent or the trichomes very sparse; pubescence of porrect, multangulate or lepidote stellate trichomes, these sessile or variously stalked, with or without midpoints, the midpoints if present very short and bump-like to elongate. Inflorescences lateral and internodal or opposite the leaves, unbranched to many times branched, usually pedunculate, not bracteate, variously stellate-pubescent; petioles articulated near the base. Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic, bisexual (hermaphroditic) or unisexual and the plants andromonoecious; calyx 5-parted (rarely 4-parted or more than 5-parted in cultivated forms of S. melongena), usually stellate-pubescent, sometimes glabrescent; corolla 5-parted (rarely 4-parted or more than 5-parted in cultivated forms of S. melongena), rotate-stellate to deeply stellate, white, lilac or deep purple, some species polymorphic for flower colour, interpetalar tissue absent to copious; stamens 5 (rarely 4 or more than 5 in cultivated forms of S. melongena), the filaments equal or unequal, usually glabrous; anthers equal or unequal, yellow or cream, blunt to strongly tapered, tightly connivent or spreading, dehiscing by terminal pores, the pores usually not lengthening to slits with age; ovary bicarpellate (fasciated in cultivars of S. melongena), globose to conical, glabrous or stellate-pubescent; style straight or curved, in andromonoecious species shorter than the anthers and held within the anther cone; stigma minutely to large-capitate or clavate, sometimes bilobed. Fruit a berry, usually globose or nearly globose (but variously shaped in S. mammosum and S. melongena), the pericarp dry, fleshy or leathery, glabrous or stellate-pubescent, the surfaces shiny or matte; fruiting calyx lobes not enlarging or often accrescent, sometimes completely enclosing the berry. Seeds flattened-reniform, the testal cells sinuate or polygonal in outline. Chromosome number: n = 12, 24, 36 (see Scaldaferro et al. 2012).
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